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Bernanke said the current unemployment rate of 7.6 percentmay overstate the health of the labour market in the U.S. andinterest rates would not automatically be raised when theunemployment hits the Fed's 6.5 percent target.
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The MVPs of the Red Sox's previous World Series wins Manny Ramirez and Mike Lowell no longer play in Boston but 2004 ALCS MVP David Ortiz still is here batting cleanup as the designated hitter. The top of Boston's lineup remains as predictable as ever with Jacoby Ellsbury in center field Shane Victorino in right Dustin Pedroia at second base Ortiz and first baseman Mike Napoli. John Farrell stays with Jonny Gomes over Daniel Nava in left field batting sixth and Xander Bogaerts the third baseman who proved to be a dynmaic force after entering the lineup for Will Middlebrooks in the middle of the ALCS moves up to the No. 7 spot. Stephen Drew plays shortstop and bats sixth with David Ross catching.
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